plant.vue 11 KB

  1. <template>
  2. <view>
  3. <view class="guess-section">
  4. <view class="cu-card article no-card" style='width: 100%;'>
  5. <view class="top-tap Regular" style="display:flex;">
  6. <view class="top-tap-item">工厂</view>
  7. <view class="top-tap-item">价格</view>
  8. <view class="top-tap-item">较昨日</view>
  9. </view>
  10. </view>
  11. <view class="guess-list">
  12. <view class="guess-list-item" v-for="(item, index) in newsInfo" :key="index">
  13. <view class="flex-item">
  14. <view class='factory Medium'>{{item.factory}}</view>
  15. <view class='wrap Regular'>{{}} {{item.factoryType}}</view>
  16. </view>
  17. <view class="flex-item">
  18. <!-- <view class='price NumberBold'>{{item.price}}</view>
  19. <view class='wrap Regular'>
  20. <text style='margin-right:5px;'>
  21. <image style='width:11px;height:11px;'
  22. src='../../static/img/homepage/water@3x.png'>
  23. </image>
  24. <={{item.waterContent}}</text>
  25. <text>
  26. <image style='width:11px;height:11px;'
  27. src='../../static/img/homepage/unitweight@3x.png'></image>
  28. >={{item.bulkDensity}}
  29. </text>
  30. </view>
  31. </view> -->
  32. <!-- <view class='price NumberBold guess-item-item'>{{item.price}}</view> -->
  33. <view class='price NumberBold guess-item-item'>{{item.price}}</view>
  34. <view class='wrap Regular'>
  35. <text style='margin-right:5px;'>
  36. <image style='width:11px;height:11px;'
  37. src='../../static/img/homepage/water@3x.png'>
  38. </image>
  39. <={{item.waterContent}}</text>
  40. <text>
  41. <image style='width:11px;height:11px;'
  42. src='../../static/img/homepage/unitweight@3x.png'></image>
  43. >={{item.bulkDensity}}
  44. </text>
  45. </view>
  46. </view>
  47. <view class='positive NumberBold guess-item-item' v-if='item.comparePrice>0'>
  48. <image class='up' src='../../static/img/homepage/shangsheng.png'>{{item.comparePrice}}
  49. </image>
  50. </view>
  51. <view class='negative NumberBold guess-item-item' v-if='item.comparePrice<0'>
  52. <image class='down' src='../../static/img/homepage/xiajiang.png'>{{-item.comparePrice}}
  53. </image>
  54. </view>
  55. <view class="guess-item-item Regular" v-if='item.comparePrice==0'>-</view>
  56. </view>
  57. </view>
  58. <view v-show="isLoadMore">
  59. <uni-load-more :status="loadStatus"></uni-load-more>
  60. </view>
  61. </view>
  62. </view>
  63. </template>
  64. <script>
  65. import {
  66. mapState
  67. } from 'vuex';
  68. export default {
  69. name: "sale",
  70. data() {
  71. return {
  72. titleNViewBackground: '',
  73. swiperCurrent: 0,
  74. swiperLength: 0,
  75. carouselList: [],
  76. windowSpuList: [],
  77. categoryPickList: [],
  78. categoryButtomList: [],
  79. salesTop: [],
  80. saleInfo: [],
  81. portInfo: [],
  82. banner: undefined,
  83. isVip: false,
  84. pages: 1, //页数
  85. limit: 10, //每次取条目数
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  88. showTran: true,
  89. list: [],
  90. scrollTop: 0,
  91. cardCur: 0,
  92. dotStyle: false,
  93. newsInfo: [],
  94. categoryList: [],
  95. pages: 1, //页数
  96. limit: 10, //每次取条目数
  97. loadStatus: 'loading', //加载样式:more-加载前样式,loading-加载中样式,nomore-没有数据样式
  98. TabCur: 0,
  99. category: 0,
  100. current: 0,
  101. infoList1: []
  102. };
  103. },
  104. onReady() {},
  105. onShow() {
  106. uni.showTabBar()
  107. this.pages = 1
  108. this.isLoadMore = false
  109. this.loadStatus = 'more'
  110. this.loadData()
  111. },
  112. onLoad(options) {
  113. var that = this
  114. var infoList = [];
  115. // uni.request({
  116. // url: ",C2109,C2111,C2201,C2203,C2205,C2207,A0,A2109,A2111,A2201,A2203,A2205,A2207",
  117. // // url: "",
  118. // header: {
  119. // 'content-type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'
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  121. // success: function(result) {
  122. // // resolve调用后,即可传递到调用方使用then或者async+await同步方式进行处理逻辑
  123. // var tmp ='"')
  124. // for (var i = 1; i < tmp.length; i = i + 2) {
  125. // var list = tmp[i].split(",")
  126. // var data = {
  127. // goodsName: list[0],
  128. // newPrice: list[6],
  129. // openPrice: list[2]
  130. // }
  131. // if (data.goodsName) {
  132. // infoList.push(data)
  133. // }
  134. // }
  135. // let name = 'infoList';
  136. // let value = infoList;
  137. // that.$store.commit('$uStore', {
  138. // name,
  139. // value
  140. // });
  141. // // console.log("infoList",infoList)
  142. // },
  143. // fail: function(e) {
  144. // console.log('error in...')
  145. // // reject调用后,即可传递到调用方使用catch或者async+await同步方式进行处理逻辑
  146. // reject(e)
  147. // },
  148. // })
  149. },
  150. onPageScroll(e) {
  151. this.scrollTop = e.scrollTop;
  152. },
  153. onReachBottom() { //上拉触底函数
  154. if (!this.isLoadMore) { //此处判断,上锁,防止重复请求
  155. this.isLoadMore = true
  156. this.pages += 1
  157. this.getIndexSaleData()
  158. }
  159. },
  160. onPullDownRefresh() {
  161. this.pages = 1
  162. this.isLoadMore = false
  163. this.loadStatus = 'loading'
  164. this.loadData()
  165. setTimeout(function() {
  166. uni.stopPullDownRefresh();
  167. }, 1000);
  168. },
  169. computed: {
  170. ...mapState(['hasLogin', 'userInfo'])
  171. },
  172. methods: {
  173. DotStyle(e) {
  174. this.dotStyle = e.detail.value
  175. },
  176. cardSwiper(e) {
  177. this.cardCur = e.detail.current
  178. },
  179. hangqing() {
  180. uni.navigateTo({
  181. url: `/pageB/news/news`
  182. })
  183. },
  184. tabSelect(e) {
  185. this.TabCur =;
  186. this.category = this.TabCur
  187. this.pages = 1
  188. this.loadData()
  189. },
  190. //回到顶部
  191. goTop(e) { // 一键回到顶部
  192. console.log(e)
  193. if (wx.pageScrollTo) {
  194. wx.pageScrollTo({
  195. scrollTop: 0
  196. })
  197. } else {
  198. wx.showModal({
  199. title: '提示',
  200. content: '当前微信版本过低,无法使用该功能,请升级到最新微信版本后重试。'
  201. })
  202. }
  203. },
  204. async loadData() {
  205. var that = this
  206. var _gp = ''
  207. var _mt = ''
  208. if (this.TabCur == 0) {
  209. _gp = 'news'
  210. _mt = 'getFactoryPriceInfo'
  211. } else if (this.TabCur == 1) {
  212. _gp = 'news'
  213. _mt = 'getPortPriceInfo'
  214. } else if (this.TabCur == 2) {
  215. _gp = 'news'
  216. _mt = 'getNewsInfo'
  217. }
  218. // 新闻内容
  219. that.$api.request(_gp, _mt, {
  220. category: this.category,
  221. page: this.pages,
  222. limit: this.limit
  223. }, failres => {
  224. that.$api.msg(failres.errmsg)
  225. this.isLoadMore = false
  226. this.loadStatus = 'nomore'
  227. if (this.pages > 1) {
  228. this.pages = 1
  229. }
  230. uni.hideLoading()
  231. }).then(res => {
  232. let data =
  233. that.newsInfo = data
  234. uni.hideLoading()
  235. })
  236. },
  237. }
  238. }
  239. </script>
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  396. /* 销售信息 */
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  401. .guess-item {
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