@@ -2,124 +2,124 @@
<!DOCTYPE mapper PUBLIC "-//mybatis.org//DTD Mapper 3.0//EN" "http://mybatis.org/dtd/mybatis-3-mapper.dtd">
<mapper namespace="com.iotechn.unimall.data.mapper.tools.gen.GenTableMapper">
-<!-- <resultMap type="GenTable" id="GenTableResult">-->
-<!-- <id property="tableId" column="table_id" />-->
-<!-- <result property="tableName" column="table_name" />-->
-<!-- <result property="tableComment" column="table_comment" />-->
-<!-- <result property="className" column="class_name" />-->
-<!-- <result property="tplCategory" column="tpl_category" />-->
-<!-- <result property="packageName" column="package_name" />-->
-<!-- <result property="moduleName" column="module_name" />-->
-<!-- <result property="businessName" column="business_name" />-->
-<!-- <result property="functionName" column="function_name" />-->
-<!-- <result property="functionAuthor" column="function_author" />-->
-<!-- <result property="options" column="options" />-->
-<!-- <result property="createBy" column="create_by" />-->
-<!-- <result property="createTime" column="create_time" />-->
-<!-- <result property="updateBy" column="update_by" />-->
-<!-- <result property="updateTime" column="update_time" />-->
-<!-- <result property="remark" column="remark" />-->
-<!-- <collection property="columns" javaType="java.util.List" resultMap="GenTableColumnResult" />-->
-<!-- </resultMap>-->
+ <resultMap type="GenTable" id="GenTableResult">
+ <id property="tableId" column="table_id" />
+ <result property="tableName" column="table_name" />
+ <result property="tableComment" column="table_comment" />
+ <result property="className" column="class_name" />
+ <result property="tplCategory" column="tpl_category" />
+ <result property="packageName" column="package_name" />
+ <result property="moduleName" column="module_name" />
+ <result property="businessName" column="business_name" />
+ <result property="functionName" column="function_name" />
+ <result property="functionAuthor" column="function_author" />
+ <result property="options" column="options" />
+ <result property="createBy" column="create_by" />
+ <result property="createTime" column="create_time" />
+ <result property="updateBy" column="update_by" />
+ <result property="updateTime" column="update_time" />
+ <result property="remark" column="remark" />
+ <collection property="columns" javaType="java.util.List" resultMap="GenTableColumnResult" />
+ </resultMap>
+ <resultMap type="GenTableColumn" id="GenTableColumnResult">
+ <id property="columnId" column="column_id" />
+ <result property="tableId" column="table_id" />
+ <result property="columnName" column="column_name" />
+ <result property="columnComment" column="column_comment" />
+ <result property="columnType" column="column_type" />
+ <result property="javaType" column="java_type" />
+ <result property="javaField" column="java_field" />
+ <result property="isPk" column="is_pk" />
+ <result property="isIncrement" column="is_increment" />
+ <result property="isRequired" column="is_required" />
+ <result property="isInsert" column="is_insert" />
+ <result property="isEdit" column="is_edit" />
+ <result property="isList" column="is_list" />
+ <result property="isQuery" column="is_query" />
+ <result property="queryType" column="query_type" />
+ <result property="htmlType" column="html_type" />
+ <result property="dictType" column="dict_type" />
+ <result property="sort" column="sort" />
+ <result property="createBy" column="create_by" />
+ <result property="createTime" column="create_time" />
+ <result property="updateBy" column="update_by" />
+ <result property="updateTime" column="update_time" />
+ </resultMap>
+ <sql id="selectDictTypeVo">
+ table_id AS tableId,
+ `table_name` AS tableName,
+ table_comment AS tableComment,
+ class_name AS className,
+ tpl_category AS tplCategory,
+ package_name AS packageName,
+ module_name AS moduleName,
+ business_name AS businessName,
+ function_name AS functionName,
+ function_author AS functionAuthor,
+ create_by AS createBy,
+ create_time AS createTime,
+ update_by AS updateBy,
+ update_time AS updateTime,
+ `options`
+ sys_gen_table
+ </sql>
+ <select id="selectDbTableListByNames" resultType="com.iotechn.unimall.data.domain.tools.gen.GenTable">
+ table_name as tableName,
+ table_comment as tableComment,
+ create_time as createTime,
+ update_time as updateTime
+ information_schema.TABLES
+ table_schema = ( SELECT DATABASE ( ) )
+ AND table_name NOT LIKE 'qrtz_%'
+ AND table_name NOT LIKE 'gen_%'
+ AND table_name NOT IN ( SELECT table_name FROM sys_gen_table )
+ AND table_name in
+ <foreach item="item" collection="array" index="index" open="(" separator="," close=")">
+ #{item}
+ </foreach>
+ </select>
+ <select id="selectDbTableList" parameterType="GenTable" resultType="com.iotechn.unimall.data.domain.tools.gen.GenTable">
+ table_name as tableName,
+ table_comment as tableComment,
+ create_time as createTime,
+ update_time as updateTime
+ information_schema.TABLES
+ table_schema = ( SELECT DATABASE ( ) )
+ AND table_name NOT LIKE 'qrtz_%'
+ AND table_name NOT LIKE 'gen_%'
+ AND table_name NOT IN ( SELECT table_name FROM sys_gen_table )
+ <if test="tableName != null and tableName != ''">
+ AND lower(table_name) like lower(concat('%', #{tableName}, '%'))
+ </if>
+ <if test="tableComment != null and tableComment != ''">
+ AND lower(table_comment) like lower(concat('%', #{tableComment}, '%'))
+ </if>
+ </select>
+ <select id="selectDbTableCount" parameterType="GenTable" resultType="java.lang.Integer">
+ COUNT(*)
+ information_schema.TABLES
+ table_schema = ( SELECT DATABASE ( ) )
+ AND table_name NOT LIKE 'qrtz_%'
+ AND table_name NOT LIKE 'gen_%'
+ AND table_name NOT IN ( SELECT table_name FROM sys_gen_table )
+ <if test="tableName != null and tableName != ''">
+ AND lower(table_name) like lower(concat('%', #{tableName}, '%'))
+ </if>
+ <if test="tableComment != null and tableComment != ''">
+ AND lower(table_comment) like lower(concat('%', #{tableComment}, '%'))
+ </if>
+ </select>
-<!-- <resultMap type="GenTableColumn" id="GenTableColumnResult">-->
-<!-- <id property="columnId" column="column_id" />-->
-<!-- <result property="tableId" column="table_id" />-->
-<!-- <result property="columnName" column="column_name" />-->
-<!-- <result property="columnComment" column="column_comment" />-->
-<!-- <result property="columnType" column="column_type" />-->
-<!-- <result property="javaType" column="java_type" />-->
-<!-- <result property="javaField" column="java_field" />-->
-<!-- <result property="isPk" column="is_pk" />-->
-<!-- <result property="isIncrement" column="is_increment" />-->
-<!-- <result property="isRequired" column="is_required" />-->
-<!-- <result property="isInsert" column="is_insert" />-->
-<!-- <result property="isEdit" column="is_edit" />-->
-<!-- <result property="isList" column="is_list" />-->
-<!-- <result property="isQuery" column="is_query" />-->
-<!-- <result property="queryType" column="query_type" />-->
-<!-- <result property="htmlType" column="html_type" />-->
-<!-- <result property="dictType" column="dict_type" />-->
-<!-- <result property="sort" column="sort" />-->
-<!-- <result property="createBy" column="create_by" />-->
-<!-- <result property="createTime" column="create_time" />-->
-<!-- <result property="updateBy" column="update_by" />-->
-<!-- <result property="updateTime" column="update_time" />-->
-<!-- </resultMap>-->
-<!-- <sql id="selectDictTypeVo">-->
-<!-- SELECT-->
-<!-- table_id AS tableId,-->
-<!-- `table_name` AS tableName,-->
-<!-- table_comment AS tableComment,-->
-<!-- class_name AS className,-->
-<!-- tpl_category AS tplCategory,-->
-<!-- package_name AS packageName,-->
-<!-- module_name AS moduleName,-->
-<!-- business_name AS businessName,-->
-<!-- function_name AS functionName,-->
-<!-- function_author AS functionAuthor,-->
-<!-- create_by AS createBy,-->
-<!-- create_time AS createTime,-->
-<!-- update_by AS updateBy,-->
-<!-- update_time AS updateTime,-->
-<!-- `options`-->
-<!-- FROM-->
-<!-- sys_gen_table-->
-<!-- </sql>-->
-<!-- <select id="selectDbTableListByNames" resultType="com.iotechn.unimall.data.domain.tools.gen.GenTable">-->
-<!-- SELECT-->
-<!-- table_name as tableName,-->
-<!-- table_comment as tableComment,-->
-<!-- create_time as createTime,-->
-<!-- update_time as updateTime-->
-<!-- FROM-->
-<!-- information_schema.TABLES-->
-<!-- WHERE-->
-<!-- table_schema = ( SELECT DATABASE ( ) )-->
-<!-- AND table_name NOT LIKE 'qrtz_%'-->
-<!-- AND table_name NOT LIKE 'gen_%'-->
-<!-- AND table_name NOT IN ( SELECT table_name FROM sys_gen_table )-->
-<!-- AND table_name in-->
-<!-- <foreach item="item" collection="array" index="index" open="(" separator="," close=")">-->
-<!-- #{item}-->
-<!-- </foreach>-->
-<!-- </select>-->
-<!-- <select id="selectDbTableList" parameterType="GenTable" resultType="com.iotechn.unimall.data.domain.tools.gen.GenTable">-->
-<!-- SELECT-->
-<!-- table_name as tableName,-->
-<!-- table_comment as tableComment,-->
-<!-- create_time as createTime,-->
-<!-- update_time as updateTime-->
-<!-- FROM-->
-<!-- information_schema.TABLES-->
-<!-- WHERE-->
-<!-- table_schema = ( SELECT DATABASE ( ) )-->
-<!-- AND table_name NOT LIKE 'qrtz_%'-->
-<!-- AND table_name NOT LIKE 'gen_%'-->
-<!-- AND table_name NOT IN ( SELECT table_name FROM sys_gen_table )-->
-<!-- <if test="tableName != null and tableName != ''">-->
-<!-- AND lower(table_name) like lower(concat('%', #{tableName}, '%'))-->
-<!-- </if>-->
-<!-- <if test="tableComment != null and tableComment != ''">-->
-<!-- AND lower(table_comment) like lower(concat('%', #{tableComment}, '%'))-->
-<!-- </if>-->
-<!-- </select>-->
-<!-- <select id="selectDbTableCount" parameterType="GenTable" resultType="java.lang.Integer">-->
-<!-- SELECT-->
-<!-- COUNT(*)-->
-<!-- FROM-->
-<!-- information_schema.TABLES-->
-<!-- WHERE-->
-<!-- table_schema = ( SELECT DATABASE ( ) )-->
-<!-- AND table_name NOT LIKE 'qrtz_%'-->
-<!-- AND table_name NOT LIKE 'gen_%'-->
-<!-- AND table_name NOT IN ( SELECT table_name FROM sys_gen_table )-->
-<!-- <if test="tableName != null and tableName != ''">-->
-<!-- AND lower(table_name) like lower(concat('%', #{tableName}, '%'))-->
-<!-- </if>-->
-<!-- <if test="tableComment != null and tableComment != ''">-->
-<!-- AND lower(table_comment) like lower(concat('%', #{tableComment}, '%'))-->
-<!-- </if>-->
-<!-- </select>-->
-<!-- -->