<template> <view class="center"> <mescroll-body ref="mescrollRef" @init="mescrollInit" @down="downCallback" @up="upCallback" class="mescroll"> <view class="center_top"> <view class="left"> <u--image :src="objectInfo.cargoOwnerPortrait?objectInfo.cargoOwnerPortrait:'../../static/images/mine/tx.png'" width='172rpx' height='172rpx' shape="circle"> </u--image> <view class="name">{{objectInfo.cargoOwnerName}}</view> <image src="../../static/qy@2x.png" mode="widthFix" class="title_css" v-show="objectInfo.cargoOwner=='企业货主'"> </image> </view> <!-- <view class="feedback_css">+关注</view> --> </view> <view class="pf-row flex"> <view class="flex"> <view class="text">评分</view> <view class="number">{{dataObj.zong}}</view> </view> <view class="flex"> <view class="text">发运次数</view> <view class="number">{{dataObj.countFa}}</view> </view> <!-- <view class="flex"> <view class="text">好评率</view> <view class="number">{{dataObj.haoPingLv}}</view> </view> --> <view class="flex"> <view class="text">评价</view> <view class="number">{{totalPL}}</view> </view> </view> <u-line></u-line> <view class="pj-view"> <view class="flex "> <view class="switchbtn" @click="switchsubmit(1)" :class="indexBtn == 1 ? 'switchbtn1':''">货主信息 </view> <view class="switchbtn" @click="switchsubmit(2)" :class="indexBtn == 2 ? 'switchbtn1':''">评价</view> </view> <!-- 货主信息 --> <view v-if="indexBtn == 1" class="enterprise"> <view> <view class="enterprise_title" v-if="companyList.length>0">所属企业:</view> <view class="enterprise_title" v-else>个人货主,暂未代理企业</view> <view v-for='item in companyList'> <view style="color: #999999;margin: 20rpx;">{{item.company?item.company:item.companyName}} </view> </view> <!-- <view class="enterprise_name" v-if="companyList.length>0">{{objectInfo.cargoOwner}}</view> --> </view> </view> <!-- 评价信息 --> <view v-if="indexBtn == 2" class="pl-style"> <view class="pf flex-space-between flex"> <view class="left flex align-center" style="margin-right: 20rpx;"> <view class="pf-number"> {{dataObj.zong}} </view> <view class="pf-number-right"> <start count="5" v-model="dataObj.zong" size="35" activeColor="#ffaa00" :size="18" :allowHalf='true' :readonly='true'> </start> <view class="gray fontsize-24">累计发运{{dataObj.countFa}}次</view> </view> </view> <view v-if='dataObj.haoPing>20' class="right"> <view>{{dataObj.haoPingLv}}%</view> <view class="gray fontsize-24">好评率</view> </view> </view> <view class="flex"> <view :class="btnData == '' ? 'btn-active':'btn'" @click="btnChange('')">全部({{totalPL}})</view> <!-- <view :class="btnData == 2 ? 'btn-active':'btn'" @click="btnChange(2)">最新</view> --> <view :class="btnData == 1 ? 'btn-active':'btn'" @click="btnChange(1)">好评({{dataObj.haoPing}}) </view> <view :class="btnData == 2 ? 'btn-active':'btn'" @click="btnChange(2)">差评({{dataObj.chaPing}}) </view> </view> <view class="evaluate_css" v-for="(item,index) in list"> <view class="flex"> <view class="row1 flex"> <u--image :src="objectInfo.cargoOwnerPortrait?objectInfo.cargoOwnerPortrait:'../../static/images/mine/tx.png'" width='68rpx' height='68rpx' shape="circle"> </u--image> <view class="right"> <view class="evaluate_name">{{item.driverName}}</view> <view class="evaluate_date m-top10">{{objectInfo.createDate.split(' ')[0]}}</view> <view class="flex m-top10"> <view class="branch_css">{{item.ownerScoreObtained}}</view> <view class=""> <start count="5" v-model="item.ownerScoreObtained" size="35" activeColor="#ffaa00" :size="18" :allowHalf='true' :disabled='true'> </start> </view> </view> <view class="" style="font-size: 28rpx;"> {{item.driverContent}} </view> <view style='flex-wrap: wrap;' class='flex'> <u--image style='margin:7rpx;border:1px solid #ccc;' v-for="(item1,index) in item.imgList" @click='ylImg(item.imgList)' :src="item1" width='170rpx' height='170rpx'> </u--image> </view> </view> </view> </view> </view> </view> </view> <u-picker :show="show" :columns="columns" :closeOnClickOverlay='true' @close='selectTypeClose' @cancel='selectTypeClose' @confirm='confirmBtn'></u-picker> <u-toast ref="uToast"></u-toast> </mescroll-body> </view> </template> <script> var that import start from '../../common/components/uni-rate.vue' import MescrollMixin from "@/uni_modules/mescroll-uni/components/mescroll-uni/mescroll-mixins.js"; import { mapState } from 'vuex'; export default { mixins: [MescrollMixin], // 使用mixin components: { start }, data() { return { zhpf: '5', list: [], dataObj: {}, show: false, columns: [ ['投诉', '举报'] ], id: "", objectInfo: {}, haoType: '', companyList: [], commonId: '', indexBtn: 1, btnData: '', totalPL: '0' } }, computed: { ...mapState(['hasLogin', 'userInfo', 'firstAuthentication']) }, onShow() { }, onLoad(options) { that = this this.commonId = options.commonId this.objectInfo = options console.log(options) this.getList() }, onNavigationBarButtonTap(e) { console.log("success") this.show = true }, methods: { ylImg(src) { uni.previewImage({ urls: src, longPressActions: { itemList: ['发送给朋友', '保存图片', '收藏'], success: function(data) { console.log('选中了第' + (data.tapIndex + 1) + '个按钮,第' + (data.index + 1) + '张图片'); }, fail: function(err) { console.log(err.errMsg); } } }); }, selectTypeClose() { this.show = false }, upCallback(page) { console.log(this.commonId, 11111111) this.$request.baseRequest('get', '/cargoOwnerCompInfo/cargoOwnerList', { commonId: this.commonId }).then(res => { console.log(res) // 可用企业货主 this.companyList = [] // 自己法人 // let _self = res.data.companyInfoList let _self = res.data.hyCompanyInfoList //代理货主 // let _dlhz = res.data.cargoOwnerCompInfoList let _dlhz = res.data.hyCargoOwnerCompInfoList if (!_dlhz) _dlhz = [] if (!_self) _self = [] if (_self.length > 0) { for (let i = 0; i < _self.length; i++) { if (_self[i].status == '已认证') { this.companyList.push(_self[i]) } } } if (_dlhz.length > 0) { for (let i = 0; i < _dlhz.length; i++) { if (_dlhz[i].status == '已认证') { this.companyList.push(_dlhz[i]) } } } console.log(this.companyList) this.$forceUpdate() }) .catch(res => {}); that.$request.baseRequest('get', '/evaluateInfo/selectEvaluateInfo', { evaluatoredId: this.objectInfo.commonId, flag: 2, haoType: this.haoType, searchType: 2, pageSize: page.size, currentPage: page.num }).then(res => { if (page.num == 1) that.list = []; that.list = that.list.concat(res.data.records); //追加新数据 if (this.haoType == '') { that.totalPL = res.data.total } for (let i = 0; i < that.list.length; i++) { if (that.list[i].driverUrl) { that.list[i].imgList = that.list[i].driverUrl.split(',') } // that.list[i].count = (Number(that.list[i].ownerCredit) + Number(that.list[i] // .tranEfficiency) + Number(that.list[i].freightPayment) + Number(that.list[i] // .serviceQuality) + Number(that.list[i].comprehensiveSatisfaction)) / 15 * 5 } that.mescroll.endBySize(res.data.records.length, res.data.total); uni.hideLoading() }) .catch(res => { uni.$u.toast(res.message); }); }, getList() { this.$request.baseRequest('get', '/orderInfo/selectHaoPing', { commonId: this.objectInfo.commonId, evaluateFlag: 2 }).then(res => { if (res.code == 200) { this.dataObj = res.data } else { this.$refs.uToast.show({ type: 'error', message: res.message, }) } }) .catch(res => { uni.$u.toast(res.message); }); }, switchsubmit(num) { this.indexBtn = num this.getList() }, confirmBtn(e) { console.log(e.value) if (e.value == '投诉') { uni.$u.route('/pages/goodSource/fk', { val: JSON.stringify(this.objectInfo) }); } else { uni.$u.route('/pages/goodSource/jb', { val: JSON.stringify(this.objectInfo) }); } this.show = false }, btnChange(num) { this.haoType = num this.btnData = num this.getList() this.upCallback({ size: 10, num: 1 }) } } } </script> <style lang="scss"> .center { padding: 40rpx 0; } .center_top { padding: 0 53rpx; display: flex; align-items: center; justify-content: space-between; .left { display: flex; align-items: center; 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justify-content: space-between; height: 80rpx; } .pf { margin-bottom: 20rpx; } .pj-view { padding: 0 53rpx; font-size: 30rpx; } </style>