// 格式化时间 export function formatDateTime(date) { let y = date.getFullYear(); let m = date.getMonth() + 1; m = m < 10 ? '0' + m : m; let d = date.getDate(); d = d < 10 ? '0' + d : d; let h = date.getHours(); h = h < 10 ? '0' + h : h; let minute = date.getMinutes(); minute = minute < 10 ? '0' + minute : minute; let second = date.getSeconds(); second = second < 10 ? '0' + second : second; return y + '-' + m + '-' + d + ' ' + h + ':' + minute + ':' + second; } /** * 毫秒转换友好的显示格式 * 输出格式:21小时前 * @param {[type]} date 日期 */ export function dateStr(date) { // 获取js 时间戳 let time = new Date().getTime(); // 去掉 js 时间戳后三位 time = parseInt((time - date * 1000) / 1000); // 存储转换值 let s; if (time < 60 * 10) { // 十分钟内 return '刚刚'; } else if (time < 60 * 60 && time >= 60 * 10) { // 超过十分钟少于1小时 s = Math.floor(time / 60); return s + '分钟前'; } else if (time < 60 * 60 * 24 && time >= 60 * 60) { // 超过1小时少于24小时 s = Math.floor(time / 60 / 60); return s + '小时前'; } else if (time < 60 * 60 * 24 * 3 && time >= 60 * 60 * 24) { // 超过1天少于3天内 s = Math.floor(time / 60 / 60 / 24); return s + '天前'; } else { // 超过3天 var date = new Date(value); //时间戳为10位需*1000,时间戳为13位的话不需乘1000 var Y = date.getFullYear() + '-'; var M = (date.getMonth() + 1 < 10 ? '0' + (date.getMonth() + 1) : date.getMonth() + 1) + '-'; var D = date.getDate() + ' '; var h = date.getHours() + ':'; var m = date.getMinutes() + ':'; var ss = date.getSeconds(); return h + m + ss; } } /** * 聊天会话 */ export class Chat { constructor(id, name, avatar, unReadCount, lastMessage, mobile, email, type) { this.id = id; this.name = name; this.avatar = avatar; this.unReadCount = unReadCount; this.lastMessage = lastMessage; this.mobile = mobile; this.email = email; this.type = type; } } /** * 图片加载完成处理函数 * @param arr 图片的src集合 * @returns {Promise} */ function preloadImages(arr) { let loadedImage = 0; let images = []; return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) { for (let i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) { images[i] = new Image(); images[i].src = arr[i]; images[i].onload = function() { loadedImage++; if (loadedImage === arr.length) { resolve(); } }; images[i].onerror = function() { reject(); }; } }); } /** * 图片加载完成,聊天对话框scroll拉到最下 * @param id 容器id */ export function imageLoad(id) { scrollBottom(id); let messageBox = document.getElementById(id); if (messageBox) { let images = messageBox.getElementsByTagName('img'); if (images) { let arr = []; for (let i = 0; i < images.length; i++) { arr[i] = images[i].src; } preloadImages(arr) .then(() => { scrollBottom(id); }) .catch(function() { scrollBottom(id); }); } } } /** * 滚动条到最下方 * @param id 容器id */ function scrollBottom(id) { let div = document.getElementById(id); if (div) { div.scrollTop = div.scrollHeight; } } const list = [ "微笑", "撇嘴", "色", "发呆", "得意", "流泪", "害羞", "闭嘴", "睡", "大哭", "尴尬", "发怒", "调皮", "呲牙", "惊讶", "难过", "囧", "抓狂", "吐", "偷笑", "愉快", "白眼", "傲慢", "困", "惊恐", "流汗", "憨笑", "悠闲", "奋斗", "咒骂", "疑问", "嘘", "晕", "衰", "骷髅", "敲打", "再见", "擦汗", "抠鼻", "鼓掌", "坏笑", "左哼哼", "右哼哼", "哈欠", "鄙视", "委屈", "快哭了", "阴险", "亲亲", "可怜", "菜刀", "西瓜", "啤酒", "咖啡", "猪头", "玫瑰", "凋谢", "嘴唇", "爱心", "心碎", "蛋糕", "炸弹", "便便", "月亮", "太阳", "拥抱", "强", "弱", "握手", "胜利", "抱拳", "勾引", "拳头", "OK", "跳跳", "发抖", "怄火", "转圈", "高兴", "口罩", "笑哭", "吐舌头", "傻呆", "恐惧", "悲伤", "不屑", "嘿哈", "捂脸", "奸笑", "机智", "皱眉", "耶", "鬼脸", "合十", "加油", "庆祝", "礼物", "红包", "鸡" ] export let faceUtils = { alt: list.map(item => `[${item}]`), faces: () => { let obj = {} for (let i = 0; i < list.length; i++) { const key = `[${list[i]}]` obj[key] = `/static/img/face/${i}.png` } return obj; } }; export function transform(content) { // 支持的html标签 let html = function(end) { return new RegExp('\\n*\\[' + (end || '') + '(code|pre|div|span|p|table|thead|th|tbody|tr|td|ul|li|ol|li|dl|dt|dd|h2|h3|h4|h5)([\\s\\S]*?)]\\n*', 'g'); }; let fa = faceUtils.faces(); if (content) { content = content .replace(/&(?!#?[a-zA-Z0-9]+;)/g, '&') .replace(//g, '>') .replace(/'/g, ''') .replace(/"/g, '"') // XSS .replace(/@(\S+)(\s+?|$)/g, '@$1$2') .replace(/\[([^\s\[\]]+?)]/g, function(face) { // 转义表情 let alt = face.replace(/^/g, ''); return '' + fa[alt] + ''; }) .replace(/img\[([^\s]+?)]/g, function(img) { // 转义图片 let href = img.replace(/(^img\[)|(]$)/g, ''); return '消息图片不能加载'; }) .replace(/file\([\s\S]+?\)\[[\s\S]*?]/g, function(str) { // 转义文件 let href = (str.match(/file\(([\s\S]+?)\)\[/) || [])[1]; let text = (str.match(/\)\[([\s\S]*?)]/) || [])[1]; if (!href) return str; return '' + (text || href) + ''; }) .replace(/audio\[([^\s]+?)]/g, function(audio) { // 转义音频 return '


'; }) .replace(/video\[([^\s]+?)]/g, function(video) { // 转义音频 return '
'; }) .replace(/a\([\s\S]+?\)\[[\s\S]*?]/g, function(str) { // 转义链接 let href = (str.match(/a\(([\s\S]+?)\)\[/) || [])[1]; let text = (str.match(/\)\[([\s\S]*?)]/) || [])[1]; if (!href) return str; return '' + (text || href) + ''; }) .replace(html(), '<$1 $2>') .replace(html('/'), '') // 转移HTML代码 .replace(/\n/g, '
'); // 转义换行 } return content; } export const ChatListUtils = { listKey: '_chatList', setChatList: function(userId, chatList) { localStorage.setItem(userId + this.listKey, JSON.stringify(chatList)); }, //从缓存中获取已经保存的会话 getChatList: function(userId) { let str = localStorage.getItem(userId + this.listKey); if (!str) { return []; } return JSON.parse(str); }, //删除聊天会话框 delChat: function(userId, chat) { let tempChatList = []; for (let item of this.getChatList(userId)) { if (String(item.id) !== String(chat.id)) { tempChatList.push(item); } } // 放入缓存 this.setChatList(userId, tempChatList); return tempChatList; }, /** * 刷新会话列表 * @param self 当前对象 * @param user 用户 * @param host 主机名 * @param type 0 单聊 1 群聊 * @returns {Chat} 当前会话 */ resetChatList: function(self, user, host, type) { console.log('user:' + JSON.stringify(user)); let chatList = this.getChatList(self.$store.state.user.id); // 删除当前用户已经有的会话 let newChatList = chatList.filter(function(element) { return String(element.id) !== String(user.id); }); let avatar = user.avatar; if (user.avatar.indexOf(host) === 0) { avatar = user.avatar; } else { avatar = host + user.avatar; } // 重新添加会话,放到第一个 let chat = new Chat(user.id, user.name, avatar, 0, '', user.mobile, user.email, type); newChatList.unshift(chat); // 存储到localStorage 的 chatList this.setChatList(self.$store.state.user.id, chatList); self.$store.commit('setChatList', newChatList); return chat; } }; //信息的类型 MSG_PING 心跳 、MSG_READY 链接就绪 MSG_MESSAGE 消息 export const MessageInfoType = { MSG_PING: '0', MSG_READY: '1', MSG_MESSAGE: '2' }; //信息的目标类型 FRIEND 私聊 、CHAT_GROUP 群聊 export const MessageTargetType = { FRIEND: '0', CHAT_GROUP: '1' }; export const ErrorType = { TIMEOUT_ERROR: 9, //超时 TOKEN_ERROR: 401, //token 失效错误 PARAM_ERROR: 400, //参数错误 FLUSH_TOKEN_ERROR: 7, //刷新token错误 SERVER_ERROR: 500, //服务器错误 NET_ERROR: 'TypeError: Failed to fetch' //网络链接不通 };