wrongendpoint.md 790 B

@bender-tags: exportpdf, feature, 4 @bender-ui: collapsed @bender-include: ../_helpers/tools.js @bender-ckeditor-plugins: wysiwygarea, toolbar, notification

Note: Errors in console during this test are allowed.

  1. Click Export to PDF button in the first editor.


  • Warning notification with Error occured. message appeared.
  • Button is clickable.
  • File wasn't downloaded.


  • Notification didn't show up.
  • Button wasn't reenabled.
  • File was downloaded.
  1. Click Export to PDF button in the second editor.


  • Alert appeared instead of notification.
  • Button is clickable.
  • File wasn't downloaded.


  • Notification didn't show up.
  • Button wasn't reenabled.
  • File was downloaded.