<template name="sale"> <view class="container"> <!-- 小程序头部兼容 --> <!-- #ifdef MP --> <!-- <view class="mp-search-box"> <input @click="naviageToPage('/pages/product/search')" class="ser-input" type="text" value="输入关键字搜索" disabled /> </view> --> <!-- #endif --> <!-- 头部轮播 --> <view class="carousel-section"> <swiper class="screen-swiper header-swiper" ::class="dotStyle?'square-dot':'round-dot'" :indicator-dots="true" :circular="true" :autoplay="true" interval="3000" duration="500" @change="swiperChange" indicator-color="#8799a3" indicator-active-color="#0081ff"> <swiper-item class="swiper-item" v-for="(item,index) in carouselList" :key="index" :class="cardCur==index?'text-white':''" @click="naviageToPage(item.url)"> <image :src="item.imgUrl"></image> <!-- <view style='position:absolute;top:50%;left:50%;transform: translate(-50%,-50%);'>11111</view> --> </swiper-item> </swiper> <!-- <view class="swiper-dots"> <text class="num">{{swiperCurrent+1}}</text> <text class="sign">/</text> <text class="num">{{swiperLength}}</text> </view> --> </view> <swiper-up :list="portInfo"></swiper-up> <scroll-view style='margin-top:12px;padding:0 20px;' scroll-x class="nav"> <view class="flex text-center"> <view style='position:relative;' class="cu-item flex-sub" :class="item.value==TabCur?'text-white':''" v-for="item in categoryList"@tap="tabSelect" :data-id="item.value"> <image v-if='item.value==TabCur' style='width:100%;height:100%;position: absolute;z-index:1;left:0;' src='https://taohaoliang.oss-cn-beijing.aliyuncs.com/tmp/bg.png'></image> <text style='position:relative;z-index:2;'>{{item.label}}</text> </view> </view> </scroll-view> <view class="guess-section" v-if='TabCur==0'> <view class="cu-card article no-card" style='width: 100%;'> <view class="cu-item shadow factoryItem factorytitle flex justify-between align-center"> <view style='flex:1;'>工厂</view> <view style='flex:1;'>价格</view> <view style='flex:1;'>较昨日</view> </view> </view> <view v-for="(item, index) in newsInfo" :key="index" class="guess-item"> <view class="cu-card article no-card" > <view class="cu-item shadow factoryItem flex justify-between align-center"> <view style='flex:1;'> <view class='factory'>{{item.factory}}</view> <view class='wrap'>{{item.city}} {{item.factoryType}}</view> </view> <view style='flex:1;' class='price'>{{item.price}}</view> <view style='flex:1;' class='positive' v-if='item.comparePrice>0'>{{item.comparePrice}}<image class='up' src='https://taohaoliang.oss-cn-beijing.aliyuncs.com/tmp/up.png'></image></view> <view style='flex:1;' class='negative' v-if='item.comparePrice<0'>{{-item.comparePrice}}<image class='down' src='https://taohaoliang.oss-cn-beijing.aliyuncs.com/tmp/decline.png'></image></view> <view style='flex:1;font-weight:900;' v-if='item.comparePrice==0'>-</view> </view> </view> </view> <view v-show="isLoadMore"> <uni-load-more :status="loadStatus" ></uni-load-more> </view> </view> <view class="guess-section" v-if='TabCur==1'> <view class="cu-card article no-card" style='width: 100%;'> <view class="cu-item shadow factoryItem flex justify-between align-center"> <view style='flex:1;'>港口</view> <view style='flex:1;'>价格</view> <view style='flex:1;'>较昨日</view> </view> </view> <view v-for="(item, index) in newsInfo" :key="index" class="guess-item" > <view class="cu-card article no-card" > <view class="cu-item shadow factoryItem flex justify-between align-center"> <view style='flex:1;'><view class='factory'>{{item.port}}</view><view class='wrap'>{{item.goodsName}}</view></view> <view style='flex:1;' > <view class='price'>{{item.price}}</view> <view class='wrap'> <text class="cu-tag radius line-blue text-water">{{item.waterContent}}</text> <text class="cu-tag radius line-blue text-bluk">{{item.bulkDensity}}</text> </view> </view> <view style='flex:1;' class='positive' v-if='item.comparePrice>0'>{{item.comparePrice}}<image class='up' src='https://taohaoliang.oss-cn-beijing.aliyuncs.com/tmp/up.png'></image></view> <view style='flex:1;' class='negative' v-if='item.comparePrice<0'>{{-item.comparePrice}}<image class='down' src='https://taohaoliang.oss-cn-beijing.aliyuncs.com/tmp/decline.png'></image></view> <view style='flex:1;font-weight:900;' v-if='item.comparePrice==0'>-</view> </view> </view> </view> <view v-show="isLoadMore"> <uni-load-more :status="loadStatus" ></uni-load-more> </view> </view> <view class="guess-section" v-if='TabCur==2'> <view v-for="(item, index) in newsInfo" :key="index" class="guess-item" @click="navToDetailPage(item.id)" > <view class="content" style='padding:15rpx 30rpx;display: grid;grid-template-columns: 70% 30%; grid-column-gap: 10px;'> <!-- <view class="desc"> <view class="title"> <view class="text-cut" style="text-align: left;">{{item.title}}</view> </view> <view style="margin-bottom: 30upx;text-align:left;"> <view class="cu-tag line-green light radius">{{item.gmtUpdate}}</view> <view class="cu-tag line-blue light radius">{{item.from}}</view> </view> </view> <image style='width:200rpx;height:120rpx;flex:1;' :src="item.titleImg" mode="aspectFill"></image> --> <view class="gird-left"> <view class="title"> <view class="text-cut" style="text-align: left;">{{item.title}}</view> </view> <view style="margin-bottom: 30upx;text-align:left;margin-top: 10px;"> <view style='color:#2FBA23;' class="cu-tag line-green light radius">{{item.gmtUpdate}}</view> <view style='color:#0C6EBA;' class="cu-tag line-blue light radius">{{item.from}}</view> </view> </view> <view class="gird-right"> <image style='width:200rpx;height:120rpx;flex:1;border-radius: 3px;' :src="item.titleImg" mode="aspectFill"></image> </view> </view> </view> <view v-show="isLoadMore"> <uni-load-more :status="loadStatus" ></uni-load-more> </view> </view> </view> </template> <script> import { formatDate } from '@/common/date.js'; import dragButton from "@/components/drag-button/drag-button.vue"; import swiperUp from "@/components/swiperup.vue"; import { mapState } from 'vuex'; export default { components: { dragButton, swiperUp }, name: "sale", data() { return { titleNViewBackground: '', swiperCurrent: 0, swiperLength: 0, carouselList: [], windowSpuList: [], categoryPickList: [], categoryButtomList: [], salesTop: [], saleInfo: [], portInfo: [], banner: undefined, isVip: false, pages: 1, //页数 limit: 10, //每次取条目数 loadStatus: 'loading', //加载样式:more-加载前样式,loading-加载中样式,nomore-没有数据样式 isLoadMore: false, //是否加载中 showTran:true, list: [], scrollTop: 0, cardCur: 0, dotStyle: false, newsInfo: [], categoryList:[], pages:1,//页数 limit:10 ,//每次取条目数 loadStatus:'loading', //加载样式:more-加载前样式,loading-加载中样式,nomore-没有数据样式 TabCur: 0, category:0, current: 0 }; }, onReady() { }, onShow() { uni.showTabBar() this.pages = 1 this.isLoadMore = false this.loadStatus = 'more' const that = this this.loadData() }, onLoad(options) { // #ifdef APP-PLUS var that = this plus.push.getClientInfoAsync((info) => { var name = 'clientId' var value = info.clientid that.$store.commit('$uStore', { name, value }); console.log("info.clientid",info.clientid) }, err => { }); // #endif }, onPageScroll(e) { this.scrollTop = e.scrollTop; }, onReachBottom() { //上拉触底函数 if (!this.isLoadMore) { //此处判断,上锁,防止重复请求 this.isLoadMore = true this.pages += 1 this.getIndexSaleData() } }, onPullDownRefresh() { this.pages = 1 this.isLoadMore = false this.loadStatus = 'loading' this.loadData() }, computed: { ...mapState(['hasLogin', 'userInfo']) }, methods: { DotStyle(e) { this.dotStyle = e.detail.value }, cardSwiper(e) { this.cardCur = e.detail.current }, hangqing() { uni.navigateTo({ url: `/pageB/news/news` }) }, tabSelect(e) { this.TabCur = e.currentTarget.dataset.id; this.category = this.TabCur this.pages = 1 this.loadData() }, //回到顶部 goTop(e) { // 一键回到顶部 console.log(e) if (wx.pageScrollTo) { wx.pageScrollTo({ scrollTop: 0 }) } else { wx.showModal({ title: '提示', content: '当前微信版本过低,无法使用该功能,请升级到最新微信版本后重试。' }) } }, async loadData() { console.log("sale loadData pages " + this.pages) const that = this // 新闻类型 uni.showLoading({ title: '正在加载', mask:true }) that.$api.request('dict', 'getDictDataList',{ dictType: "news_type" }, failres => { that.$api.msg(failres.errmsg) uni.hideLoading() }).then(res => { let data = res.data that.categoryList = data uni.hideLoading() }) uni.showLoading({ title: '正在加载', mask:true }) var _gp='' var _mt='' if(this.TabCur==0){ _gp='news' _mt='getFactoryPriceInfo' }else if(this.TabCur==1){ _gp='news' _mt='getPortPriceInfo' }else if(this.TabCur==2){ _gp='news' _mt='getNewsInfo' } // 新闻内容 that.$api.request(_gp, _mt,{ category:this.category, page: this.pages, limit:this.limit }, failres => { that.$api.msg(failres.errmsg) this.isLoadMore = false this.loadStatus = 'nomore' if(this.pages>1){this.pages=1} uni.hideLoading() }).then(res => { let data = res.data for(var i =0;i<res.data.length;i++){ res.data[i].gmtUpdate=formatDate(Date.parse(res.data[i].gmtUpdate)) } that.newsInfo = data uni.hideLoading() }) uni.showLoading({ title: '正在加载', mask:true }) that.$api.request('integral', 'getIndexData', failres => { that.$api.msg(failres.errmsg) this.isLoadMore = false this.loadStatus = 'nomore' if (this.pages > 1) { this.pages = 1 } uni.hideLoading() uni.stopPullDownRefresh() }).then(res => { let data = res.data //橱窗 that.windowSpuList = data.windowRecommend //轮播 data.advertisement.t1.forEach(item => { if (!item.color) { item.color = 'rgb(205, 215, 218)' } }) that.carouselList = data.advertisement.t1 that.swiperLength = data.advertisement.t1.length that.titleNViewBackground = data.advertisement.t1[0].color //分类精选 if (data.advertisement.t2) { that.categoryPickList = data.advertisement.t2 } //横幅 if (data.advertisement.t3 && data.advertisement.t3.length > 0) { that.banner = data.advertisement.t3[0] } //热销 if (data.salesTop) { that.salesTop = data.salesTop } //销售信息 if (data.saleInfo) { that.saleInfo = data.saleInfo } //价格简报 if (data.portInfo) { that.portInfo = data.portInfo console.log(that.portInfo) } //分类5Buttom if (data.advertisement.t4) { that.categoryButtomList = data.advertisement.t4 } that.showTran = data.showTran that.list = data.message uni.setStorageSync("message", data.message); uni.setStorageSync("task", data.task); uni.setStorageSync('showTran', data.showTran); uni.hideLoading() uni.stopPullDownRefresh() }) }, //轮播图切换修改背景色 swiperChange(e) { const index = e.detail.current; this.swiperCurrent = index; // this.titleNViewBackground = this.carouselList[index].color; }, //详情 navToDetailPage(item) { let id = item; uni.navigateTo({ url: `/pageB/news/news_detail?id=${id}` }) }, naviageToPage(page) { uni.navigateTo({ url: page, fail() { uni.switchTab({ url: page }) } }) }, getIndexSaleData() { // const that = this // var pages = that.pages // var limit = that.limit // uni.showLoading({ // title: '正在加载' // }) // that.$api.request('integral', 'getIndexSaleData', { // page: pages, // limit: limit // }, failres => { // that.$api.msg(failres.errmsg) // that.isLoadMore = false // that.loadStatus = 'nomore' // if (that.pages > 1) { // that.pages -= 1 // } // uni.hideLoading() // }).then(res => { // let data = res.data // //销售信息 // if (data.saleInfo.length > 0 ) { // that.saleInfo = that.saleInfo.concat(data.saleInfo) // that.isLoadMore = false // } else { // if (that.pages > 1) { // that.pages -= 1 // } // that.isLoadMore = true // that.loadStatus = 'nomore' // } // if(data.saleInfo.length < that.limit){ // if (that.pages > 1) { // that.pages -= 1 // } // that.isLoadMore = true // that.loadStatus = 'nomore' // } // uni.hideLoading() // }) const that = this var pages=that.pages var limit=that.limit uni.showLoading({ title: '正在加载', mask:true }) that.$api.request('news', 'getNewsInfo', { category:this.category, page: pages, limit:limit },failres => { that.$api.msg(failres.errmsg) that.isLoadMore=false that.loadStatus = 'nomore' if(that.pages>1){that.pages-=1} uni.hideLoading() }).then(res => { let data = res.data if(data.length > 0){ for(var k =0;k<data.length;k++){ data[k].gmtUpdate=formatDate(Date.parse(data[k].gmtUpdate)) } that.newsInfo = that.newsInfo.concat(data) that.isLoadMore=false } else{ if(that.pages>1){that.pages-=1} that.isLoadMore=true that.loadStatus = 'nomore' } uni.hideLoading() }) } }, // #ifndef MP // 标题栏input搜索框点击 onNavigationBarSearchInputClicked: async function(e) { uni.navigateTo({ url: '/pageA/product/search' }) }, //点击导航栏 buttons 时触发 // onNavigationBarButtonTap(e) { // const index = e.index; // if (index === 0) { // this.$api.msg('点击了扫描'); // } else if (index === 1) { // // #ifdef APP-PLUS // const pages = getCurrentPages(); // const page = pages[pages.length - 1]; // const currentWebview = page.$getAppWebview(); // currentWebview.hideTitleNViewButtonRedDot({ // index // }); // // #endif // uni.navigateTo({ // url: '/pages/notice/notice' // }) // } // } // #endif } </script> <style lang="scss" scoped> .cu-tag.badge { right: 26rpx; } .up,.down{ width: 8px; height: 5px; vertical-align: middle; margin-left: 2px; } .gird-left,.gird-right{ } .cu-tag.radius[class*="line"]::after { border-radius: 66rpx; } .goTop{ height: 32px; width: 32px; position: fixed; bottom: 200rpx; right: 30rpx; border-radius: 50%; } .goTop image{ width:32px; height:32px; } .flex{ display:flex; } .text-white{ color:#fff; } .cu-card{ border-bottom:1rpx solid #f8f8f8; text-align: center; } .factorytitle view{ border-right: 1px solid #F8F8F8; } .factorytitle view:last-child{ border-right: 1px solid transparent; 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